Thursday, April 15, 2010

"That which we manifest is before us."

I'm the proud owner of a beautiful Golden Retriever named Enzo. Enzo is a little over three months old now. He was named after Enzo Ferrari. My plan was to let my fiance get the car names out of the way before we have kids. =) I took Enz into Petsmart to get his nails trimmed there. As usual, he seemed to make himself the center of attention. A man there asked his name. When I told him what it was, he asked if I had named him after the Enzo in the book. Before that time, I'd never heard of the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain", but it is now my favorite book. I highly recommend it for any dog person. It's all about a dog named Enzo, and it's told from his point of view. Anyway, my little Z is getting so big, so fast that I wanted a way to document all the milestones in his life. I'm starting a little later than I'd like. We've had him since he was about 5 weeks old. We've already accomplished the house training (although an accident might happen if he's somewhere he's not real familiar with), some basic commands and tricks (sit, down, shake, high-five, "bang" - play dead). Even though he's only three months old, he's already changed SO much. I'll include a couple pics...Enzo when we first brough him home, and Enzo on our trip to the Smoky Mountains last week. I hope you enjoy them. =)

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